You’re ready to go on vacation and your suitcase is packed. Your home is going to be empty for a while… and it’s a shame to have to pay the rent anyway! You’re attracted to rental platforms (like Airbnb, Abritel, GuestToGuest…), but don’t know if you’re allowed to sublet your property? Indeed, subletting is a complex subject, full of restrictions! In this article we’ll explain how subletting works, and give you our tips for hassle-free subletting.

What is

subletting ?

Subletting is defined aswelcoming people into your home in exchange for payment.

By selling your home for cash, you become its manager: you define the rooms on offer, the price and choose the tenants. Beware, there are subtleties. For example, the proposed rent cannot exceed what you pay your landlord. In fact, when you offer a sublease, you don’t have all the choices at your disposal. The law of July 6, 1989 reminds you that subletting is forbidden without your landlord’s agreement!

Law of July 6, 1989

How to

to sublet ?

To sublet legally, you need your landlord’s agreement. To do this, you need to send a written request by registered mail, including the proposed rent. Don’t take your application for granted! The owner has the right to refuse without justification. So be careful! To give yourself the best chance of success, you can offer your landlord a share of the income generated by the sublease (e.g. 20% of the sum).

If you decide to sublet without his agreement, you do so at your own risk, as you could lose your home without notice. And that’s not all: the subtenant also has a say. You must provide thelandlord’s authorization and a copy of the current lease. We therefore strongly advise you to obtain your landlord’s agreement and draw up a sublease contract with him or her (amount, payment date, obligations, return conditions, duration, etc.). This is a necessary insurance policy, as you are responsible for the subletter and his or her actions.


to simplify

Do all these steps seem tedious? We know what you mean. Take a breath, we’ve got solutions to help you leave with peace of mind: concierge services! They specialize in short- and long-term rentals through the various Bnb rental platforms. Smartrenting and Hostnfly have a service adapted to sublets. But that’s not all! Real estate agency Century21 has reached a landmark agreement with Airbnb to manage sublets.

Remember, to sublet your Airbnb property, it must be your principal residence (occupied for at least 8 months of the year) and you must not sublet for more than 120 days.

So your landlord has given you the go-ahead to sublet your property? Great, now you can earn rental income while you’re away! But where do you start when it comes to subletting your property? Discover our tips: