Health regulations are changing regularly at the moment. So how can you reassure your customers so that they enjoy your wellness areas? We tell you all about it here.

1. Concerning layout
Sanitary rules don’t just apply to cleaning, they can also have an impact on thelayout of a room. Here, for example: – The waiting room must be laid out in such a way that customers do not pass each other. Clear information on protective measures must be provided before and after customers arrive. – The layout of the massage room must be organized with disinfectable areasand areas where nothing can be touched, including door handles. Unsurprisingly, you’ll also find the following rules: Hydro-alcoholic gel and washbasins with soap must be accessible to clients. – The premises must be thoroughly disinfected and the room ventilated before and after each massage, as well as at the end of the day. You’ll need to limit the number of clients per day in order to achieve this rotation. – Linen must be washed at over 60°C in a long cycle.

2. Sanitary rules for staff and customers
You’ve known about the first rule for a long time now: wearing a mask is mandatory. It must be worn by staff AND clients throughout the session. Hand disinfection is also mandatory. Other rules include: – Body-to-body movements must be avoided, and head and face massages are forbidden. In cases where there is contact with the client’s skin (for massages, for example), disposable gloves may be used. – It is important to ensure that you have the client’s contact details, and to ask to be notified in the event of subsequent symptoms.
Now you know everything! By applying these rules, you’ll give your customers confidence and prevent the virus from spreading. And if you want to change the look of your hotel, don’t hesitate to read our article on possible partnerships!