Sometimes you can’t take your pet on vacation with you, and that’s a real shame! So how can you leave withpeace of mind?
1. For care in your home
If it’s your first time, or if you don’t want to stress your pet any more than necessary, you can opt for a pet sitter in your home.
In this case, many pet-sitter websites exist, such as :
On these sites, you’ll find pet-sitter ratings, availability and rates.
Here, you have two options: a regular visit, or the pet-sitter staying at your home with your pet for the duration of your vacation. It’s up to you.
2. For outdoor storage
You can also choose to board your pet. He will be withother animals and will be supervised by professionals. You can opt for pensions with or without stalls, for shorter or longer periods.
The website
30 million friends
references many of them. Here too, you have two choices: you can have your baby looked after close to home, or close to your vacation destination! So you can pick it up on the way back!
This is probably the more expensive of the two solutions, but it allows you to leave knowing that your pet will have a great time!
Now there’s no excuse! You’ve got everything you need to make sure your pet has a great vacation too.
And if you’re looking for a beautiful place to go in France, enjoy our article on the
PACA region