Sustainable and eco-responsible tourism is no stranger to us, but vegan tourism has recently become the talk of the town! Far from being the preserve of a few, it’s a demand increasingly expressed by travelers!

1. What is vegan tourism?

Granted, vegan tourism is linked to sustainable tourism. The difference is mainly in the food , for example: Food Tours without tasting animal products, gourmet meals offering only vegan dishes.

Let’s remember the definition of vegan:“a person who excludes all animal products from their diet and daily life“.

2. What's in it for me?

In practical terms, you don’t have to do much to offer a vegan experience. All you have to do is pay attention to the materials used in your home and the products made available to your customers (forget milk, honey, etc.).

You can set up a list of places to eat, or a little recipe from home revisited for them.

Keep in mind that this new proposal may bring you additional customers. And as there isn’t much on offer yet, by offering this type of tourism, you’re entering the veggie crowd” (“vegan” and “traveler”).

If you need proof that it’s a good thing to get started, here are a few sites created by vegans: Vegantravel, the Veggie Hotels network and Veganfoodtours, which offers 100% vegan itineraries for visiting French towns from a different angle.

So, have you been won over by vegan tourism? Why not get in on the act too, by featuring a few good vegan restaurant addresses in your StyQR, for example?