In the age of nomadism, more and more people are renting or buying van. But where does this resurgence in popularity come from?
1. Facts and figures on campervan
The covid-19 crisis seems to have prompted some people to buy a camper. In fact, in one year, from March 2020 to March 2021, new vehicleregistrations in France rose by 21.81%. That’s over 30,000 new units sold, and almost twice as many bought second-hand in the same year!
If you think this is an important development, you should know that in 10 years, the market has grown by over 60%!
Once seen as old-fashioned and out of fashion, campervan seem to be making a comeback!
2. Why young people like it
Travel without constraints, live where you want rent-free… It’s a lifestyle that’s winning over more and more people. Especially since the covid crisis.
So we see a lot of young people buying mini vans or combis.
build their own
their own mobile home
from a van.
Freedom seems to be the watchword, but not the only one. The ecological dimension also plays an important role, as does contact with others. With camper, you’re closer to nature and meet more people!
So, from a car used to go on vacation, we’re increasingly moving to a house on wheels!
And what do you think? Does this lifestyle appeal to you?
And for those hesitating to go camping this year, here’s why you should.