Having a swimming pool on your premises is great, but offering activities around it is even better! Here’s a quick overview of what you can offer.

1. Activities for children
The idea here is to keep kids and teensbusy while their parents enjoy themselves. You can set up slides for a morning, or leave balls available for water basketball games. Other activities include
- A paper airplane throwing contest over the pool
- A diving competition
- Water polo
- Dodgeball (with the help of an animator)
Just make sure you always have a lifeguard supervising these activities.

2. Activities for adults
One of the first activities that comes to mind is
It’s a bit old-fashioned, but there are many ways to bring this activity up to date!
To keep things sporty, you can choose betweenaqua-volleyball and aqua-running. For the former, why not organize tournaments from time to time?
For a more relaxing experience, you can also offeraqua yoga, with or without a mask (some exercises require you to put your head in the water).
Finally, if you have the means and thespace available, why not install a few aquabikes?
Just be careful: offering activities is a good thing, but make sure you leave your pool open most of the day. If you don’t, customers who want to lounge by the water will be unhappy! And if you haven’t already done so, find out how branding is important!