a a new concept has recently emerged: Experiences! If you’re a motivated host who wants your travelers to experience unforgettable events or take part in more or less prolonged activities, don’t hesitate to launch your own Airbnb Experience! Following the total success of the test period in Paris and Provence, Airbnb decided to spread these Experiences to the four corners of the country.
an additional source of income
To offer an Experience on Airbnb, you don’t have to rent out your accommodation. But in any case, offering an Airbnb Experience will allow you toincrease your revenue.
If you also have one (or more) accommodation(s) for rent on the platform, the Airbnb Experience will help youimprove your ratings and therefore your reputation on the platform, enabling you to better fill your booking calendar.
Benefits of becoming a host
of Airbnb Experiences
Having a good time, sharing your passion, meeting travelers from the 4 corners of the world, discovering other cultures… Offering an Experience is above all an enriching human adventure.
The Airbnb platform makes it easy. You can choose the time slots you’re available for, and for added peace of mind, you’re covered by the platform’sinsurance.
How to
does it works ?
To start using Airbnb Experiences, you need to register here. You’ll then be able to find out what criteria need to be met for your experience to be eligible. Then you can post your Experience, with a precise description and photos. Your Experience will be subject to validation by Airbnb.
Airbnb will take a 20% commission on your Experiences revenues. Nonetheless, it’s still a profitable business, as you can welcome many more travelers than if you were renting out your accommodation.
The conditions required to keep
his Airbnb Experiences host title
Hosts must also meet certain stringent feedback requirements. Airbnb follows up on a case-by-case basis if a guest leaves a bad review. For example, the average score must be higher than 4.7/5. As a result, hosts may have to work even harder to maintain their excellent ratings and presence in Airbnb Experiences.