Homemade food is becoming increasingly popular. It’s become a real marker of quality and a popular option for many travelers. So why not make the most of it?

1. Why homemade?

Since the days of confinement, when everyone homemade bread and sourdough, homemade bread is back in the spotlight. It has become a guarantee of quality that conveys a true environmental notion. Homemade means working with seasonal produce and fruit, and loving a job well done. When we speak of “home-made”, we think of our grandmothers behind the stove, their dishes simmering for hours. That’s why this notion is attracting more and more travelers. So if you specify in your ad that your breakfast or the products in your home are homemade, you ‘ll earn points. It’s also a nice surprise for your travelers, who will be delighted to discover all kinds of more natural products when they enter your home. And a happy customer is a customer who returns or speaks positively of you!

2. What to suggest

When we think of homemade food, we immediately think of cooking. But it’s a much broader concept! For example, you could suggest :

  • soaps
  • blankets or plaids
  • furniture

Anything you’ve done yourself can be enhanced by “homemade”. You’ll give your rental an extra touch of style, and you’ll be able to generate income from it. Think about it! If your customers enjoyed your shower soaps, why wouldn’t they buy them? When it comes to food, there’s plenty to choose from. You can offer them:

  • cakes
  • honey
  • condiments
  • liqueurs

A little tip: it’s even better when the produce comes from your garden or local producers!

See for yourself! Homemade is a world of possibilities. It’s a concept that will keep customers coming back for more, and give you great publicity, so go for it! Don’t hesitate to add this notion to your ad or your website.