You have rented out your property on
but the risk of noise pollution worrying you? This is normal, and you’re right to be concerned.

As a hostYou want everything to go smoothly. For the respect of your interior but also the respect for neighbors.

No need to panic. In this article, we explain Airbnb rules and policies noise pollution. We also give you advice on how best to deal with this problem and solutions to rent out your property with complete peace of mind.

1. Airbnb's rules on noise pollution

Following the initial containment and strict health measures linked to COVID-19, Airbnb had implemented temporary bans in summer 2020. In particular, a ban on all parties and events in the rentals available on the platform. And on a global scale.

In France, this system has proved its effectiveness, with a drop of over 40% in the number of reports linked to organized parties. Airbnb then decided to perpetuate this model.

So for Airbnb users, any disruptive gathering is now prohibited. And that goes for any number of people. All parties likely to cause damage are also to be avoided. nuisance to neighbors. Whether it’s nuisance caused by excessive noise, too many visitors, too much garbage or litter, or nuisance caused by parking.

In the event of non-compliance of these rulesAirbnb may penalize travelers or guests. These measures can range from the suspension of an advertisement to the account deletion on the platform.

In 2021, more than 6,600 accounts worldwide were suspended for non-compliance with this no-party policy.

Neighbors can also report noise pollution or any other neighborhood problem at any time and file a complaint on the
neighbor help service

For your part, if you suspect a party is being organized and can prove it, you can cancel the booking without consequence.

Thanks to these measures, Airbnb is promoting responsible tourism guaranteeing the safety and well-being of its community. But also respect for neighbors.

gestion nuisances sonores airbnb

2. Our tips for preventing noise-related risks

The best way to anticipate problems linked to noise pollution remains communication with your travelers.

Be clear and precise as soon as the ad is published on the platform. Indicate, for example, that you don’t allow parties, or the hour after which it’s best to stop making noise.

Be sure to indicate the accommodation’s maximum capacity, and whether you allow travelers to bring guests.

You can easily add these instructions to your
house rules
with the
StyQR digital welcome booklet
. For example, you can remind guests of Airbnb’s rules on parties and noise pollution. But also your local noise regulations.

Similarly, it’s important to maintain good communication communication with your neighbors. Let them know you’ll be welcoming travelers, so they won’t be surprised. A trusted neighbor can be a great help in notifying you in an emergency.

You can also reassure them by informing them of Airbnb’s dedicated hotline for neighbors in case of trouble.

Finally, it’s important that your travelers know that if they need you, you’re always can be reached by telephone during their stay. This makes it possible to reassure and find a rapid response if necessary. When in doubt, it’s best not to improvise.

3. The Minut noise detector

In addition, and in order to control the noise level of rentals, Airbnb provides guests with a noise detector.

In partnership with the Minut company, guests can now obtain free of charge and benefit from a free three-month subscription.

In concrete terms, hosts set a decibel threshold and if it’s exceeded, an alert is automatically sent to the Airbnb messaging system to inform the host and traveler. Both parties are thus warned and can remedy the situation immediately.

A pilot test carried out in Prague revealed that the detector enabled guests and travelers to find a solution within 20 minutes of the noise detection alert.

As well as being effective, this detector guarantees privacy travelers. It does not record conversations or transmit sound. What’s more, they are forbidden in rooms intended for resting, such as bedrooms.

In spite of this, guests must obligatorily indicate that the accommodation will be equipped with such a device.

capteur bruit airbnb

Let’s put things into perspective vast majority of casestravelers are respectful accommodations.

Knowing the regulations governing noise pollution, and the remedies and solutions available, makes it possible toanticipate potential problems before they arise. By following our advice, you’ll leave your home with a lighter, more serene mind.

In this way, you optimize your chances the best experience on Airbnb.