What do your travelers look at before they book a stay with you?
This is THE question to ask if you want to understand what your travelers do before they pull out their credit cards. For 42% of travelers, reviews are more important than price. It’s the reviews that drive them to book their stay with you.
It’s the very 1st contact with your travelers, and it’s the first 7 reviews they remember.?

Good communication for your stay

Social networks

As you know, today social networks are the heart of your communication and the 1st thing your travelers look at to find everything they’re looking for?

Réseaux sociaux

It’s thanks to them that your travelers will feel a sense of wanderlust ✈ as they browse photos, videos and information about your accommodations through Instagram and Facebook.

It’s up to you to publish the most beautiful photos of your rooms and atypical settings to delight your travelers! ?


The website

Think of the traveler who is going to click on your site and look for the information he needs.
The goal is for him to land on your site and for it to be as clear and fluid as possible for him!?

Include content such as articles, photos / videos, a blog, so that your traveler can find all the information about your accommodation in no time! ?

And above all, think about making your site responsive, i.e. a site that adapts to all formats (smartphone, tablet, computer), so that your traveler can browse your site at ease from any support! ?

The smartphone, the essential holiday accessory


Nowadays, everyone has their smartphone in their pocket or bag, and it’s become so indispensable that if you forget it, you’ll immediately notice it?
Well, it’s the same for the traveler. Their smartphone needs to be with them throughout their stay, even during the booking process! This is the case for 42% of travelers who book a hotel on their smartphone, including 53% of those under 30.?

After booking

Once your traveler has booked with you, send him an e-mail to collect as much information as possible before his arrival.

Thanks to this e-mail, you’ll know how your traveler will arrive and at what time he’ll arrive.
What’s more, the pre-check-in will already be operational! ?
A word of advice: send him the e-mail one day after his booking, so he’s more likely to reply. ?

Halfway through his stay

Show your traveler that you’re there for them even before they arrive!

And just a few days before their arrival, your traveler will be delighted to have additional information.

You can suggest activities and your welcome booklet!?


Before his arrival

Thanks to the information you collected in the first e-mail, you know which means of transport your traveler will use to arrive and at what time.
A week before his arrival, send him an e-mail with all the information about your accommodation!

If he’s coming by train, explain the easiest route to your place according to his means of transport, so that he can make arrangements in advance. ?

Of course, if you have a service like Swikly that makes deposits easier, tell your traveler – he’ll be delighted to hear about it!