When you run a hotel, guesthouse or rent out your accommodation on platforms like Airbnb, you want to satisfy your travelers at all costs! We sometimes have to bend over backwards to accommodate their requests, such as storing their luggage on the day of their departure during their visits. Indeed, this is a problem frequently encountered by travelers: finding themselves with their luggage on their hands before check-in or after check-out. Fortunately, some great ideas have emerged to make life easier for your travelers (and therefore for you!). So why not suggest one of these solutions to your customers? We explain everything.


luggage transfer

If your accommodation is in Paris, this luggage transfer system will be perfect for your travellers! Drop your Bag picks up your customers’ luggage at the location of their choice (hotel, airbnb or elsewhere) and drops it off at theairport (Charles de Gaulle or Orly) at the desired time. A practical, flexible and secure solution for your travellers to enjoy their last day without any constraints!


luggage storage

Holibag is a luggage storage service that works with retailers in nearly 100 towns and cities in France and Europe. The system is practical, secure (with insurance) and connected! Passengers reserve their luggage locker via themobile app or website, then go to the locker to drop off their luggage, and finally receive a reminder shortly before the locker is due to close. So they can make the most of their day by leaving their belongings of choice (suitcases, helmets, shopping bags…).


3 in 1 !

Eelway is a complete luggage management service offering three packages:

  • Luggage storage at a network ofpartner hotels. If you own an Airbnb or guest house, this is an interesting solution to recommend to your guests. If you run a hotel, why not offer your services as a luggage repository?
  • Luggage transfer fromairport or train station to home, hotel or Airbnb.
  • Luggage delivery from one place to another, in France andabroad.

Eelway is a complete, easy, fast and secure solution!

These three services will make life easier for your travelers, ensuring that they have a pleasant stay in your accommodation. You can therefore suggest that they use one of these solutions for their luggage.

To make it easy for them to get the information they need, you can enter it in the “Practical info” module of your digital welcome booklet. In just a few clicks, StyQR lets you create a free digital welcome booklet for your accommodation, containing all the information you need (wifi code, digicode, tips, good addresses…). Your customers can access it simply by scanning a QR code embedded in an attractive photo frame.

Create your booklet