StyQR is a digital welcome booklet that will change your life and that of your customers. Thanks to StyQR, you’ll feel more relaxed and at ease with your location. As for your customers, they’ll feel empowered by a state-of-the-art tool, free to manage everything themselves.

1. It makes life easier for travellers

With StyQR, you choose what information you want to give your travelers:

  • Front door code
  • Location of sheets, towels, hair dryer
  • Water heater instructions, heating…

Your customers will have all the information they need in just a few clicks, without having to bother you all the time!

2. It supports local trade

It’s no joke! With the “around you“module, you can help your travellers discover all the local addresses. Here, too, you’re free to include all the good addresses you’ve got:

  • Typical restaurants
  • Souvenir stores
  • Viewpoints
  • Hiking
  • Beach

You can even negotiate discounts with shopkeepers! For example, if a tourist comes to lunch thanks to you, they’ll get 20% off the bill! It’s always a nice little extra, and a great way to support your local merchants!

3. StyQR will always be within your customers' reach

Our main advantage? StyQR fits in every pocket! How come? Because your customers will always have it on their mobile! No need for a 15-page manual that has to be changed every time you visit. You save time and paper by using our digital booklet. It may take a little thought at first to make sure you don ‘t forget anything important, but then you’ll have a much freer mind! For your customers, it’s an added security: as well as having all the codes they need at their fingertips, they’ll also have your good addresses with them at all times!

4. It underlines your personality

Each guest has his or her own personalized welcome booklet that can be modified at any time. You like blue and your house has blue shutters? Don’t worry, we’ll take care of everything for you, using your own photos. You don’t like blue anymore? We’ll change everything and go orange for the coming season! This customization will set you apart from your competitors and immerse your customers even more in your world.

5. StyQR is eagerly awaited

With the health crisis, we avoid touching things too much. If, on top of that, we think that other people have touched the booklet before us, we can quickly become paranoid and not want to put our fingers on it. StyQR reduces the risk of Covid transmission! Finally, as new technologies have become an integral part of our daily lives, an interactive booklet for housing and discovering the region is becoming a must-have!

If you are tempted by theStyQR adventure or would like to ask us a few questions, you can contact us here.