Winter is fast approaching, the radiators aren’t yet warm and we’re tempted to curl up under a blanket with a cup of hot chocolate. So think of your customers and prepare a cosy little nest for their arrival.

1. The essentials

Here, it’s simple: think of anything that will comfort you! Anything that makes you feel warm.

Of course, plaids and warm comforters come to mind. So offer them in sufficient quantity, and make a note in your welcome booklet of where your customers can find them.

And don’t forget to check that you have enough cups. In winter, we drink more hot beverages, especially in larger containers. Your visitors might appreciate finding
hot chocolate
and why not something to make chocolate when you arrive!

If you have a fireplace or stove, a very simple way to decorate a room is to stack logs on top of each other! The effect is guaranteed!

2. The pluses of cosy decor

It’s time to let loose! For a cosy decor, use Pinterest or decorating magazines.

Here’s what we recommend you add:

  • A few lightly scented candles
  • A knitted plaid like this one
  • A few strings of lights
  • Fluffy cushions and rugs

When it comes to colors, opt for soft ones: white, cream and gray. And at Christmas time you can add a little green and red. In fact, we’ve written an entire article on how to
decorating your home for Christmas.

And now you know everything! You can replace your summer decorations with something more comfortable. Don’t forget to take new photos of your home in this new atmosphere, to make people want to come and stay with you even more!